
The following feature descriptions and step-by-step guides provide a starting place for Library.Link Network Publishing Partners to create end-user documentation.

Last Updated December 19, 2018

Social Sharing

Each linked data resource can be shared via Facebook, Twitter, Email, Google+ and LinkedIn. Sharing your data via social media creates new connections to your resrouces on the Web. Over time, these connections across popular social media networks can establish the library as a credible source for data. Social Sharing is available across the Library.Link Network.

The social sharing menu is available under Share > Social.

Select Share > Social > Mail and a draft e-mail window will appear so you can send the link.

Select Share > Social > Twitter and a window will appear so you can tweet the link.


Select Share > Social > Facebook and a window will appear so you can post the link to Facebook.

Use the dropdown menu in the left top corner to select a sharing option.

Select Share > Social > Google+ and a window will appear so you can post the link to Google+.

Select Share > Social > LinkedIn and a window will appear so you can post the link to LinkedIn.


Resources can be embedded into any interface, for example, a blog or a web page about an event. The Library.Link Network displays connections between Topics, Items, People, Places, and more. When these connections are embedded into other sites, new pathways that take users directly to the library catalog are created. The embed option is available across the Library.Link Network.

Example 1: https://www.ebscohost.com/novelist-the-latest/blog-article/introducing-embedded-linked-data-widgets

Example 2: http://gloriagonzalez.org/2017/06/16/embedding-resources-aristotle/

To embed resources, select the </> Embed button on any Library.Link Nework page.

Use the embed menu to select a layout option, and choose to use HTTPS. The preview panel on the right side displays how the carousel, grid, list, and card layout options will appear when embedded. After selecting options, click "Copy to clipboard" to grab the code.

Paste the code into the editor of your choice (for example, in a Wordpress blogpost). This inserts the carousel, grid, list, or card that you grabbed from the Library.Link Network. The embedded links take users directly back to your library catalog and allow you to create new entries to your library all over the Web.

The Data Navigator is a staff tool used to find particular library linked data pages. The Resource Navigator includes the ability to search by Item, Person, Concept. The ID Navigator allows staff to search by ISBN.

The Navigator is available under Services > Navigate

Or by entering the following URL: navigate.library.link/link domain/

Example 1: http://navigate.library.link/link.worthingtonlibraries.org/

Example 2: http://navigate.library.link/avonlpl.library.link/

To use the Navigator, type the Person, Item, or Concept you are looking for into the box and narrow down by each type by clicking the checkboxes. The search below, shows a staff member looking for Selena and narrowing down results to the type Person.

You can also find a linked data resource by putting an associate ISBN into the box on the right side. Below, library staff is looking for the resource associated with the ISBN "9780061693335."

Living Lists

Living Lists provide a way to share your library’s catalog resources through the lens of popular publicly available lists which exist on the Web. The initial set of lists we use for this feature are the New York Times Bestseller Lists.

Living Lists is available under Services > Tools/Extra

NYT Bestseller Lists (Beta)

The New York Times Bestseller List will allow you to share a view of all the resources you currently have at the library which currently match this list. Customers can then simply click to get these resources from the library.

From the Tools/Extras menu, you can navigate to any NYT Living List to view members of the list, or embed the data into any other interface.

For example, The New York Times Bestseller List - E-Book Fiction will allow you to share a view of all the resources you currently have at the library which currently match this list. Customers can then simply click to get these resources from the library. With living data, as items are added or removed from your catalog, the living list will automatically update on the page where you shared it.

In addition, as the New York Times lists change, the shared list will automatically update to find the items at your library that match the modified list. Information of where the lists are embedded and how they are used is logged and shared with the library.

Stats and Log Console (Beta)

The stats and log console will give you detailed information about how users are interacting with your Library.Link pages based on catalog, including statistics on social sharing and how your resources are embedded in other Web content.

Statistics are refreshed once per month for the prior month's activity. Previous month's activity are summarized and the Detail Logs are available in CSV for additional processing.

Stats console is available under Services > Stats

New User - Single Library System (user has no Z account)

STEP 1: User goes to their library’s stats page and should see the following message box in their browser:

STEP 2: User does not have an account, so clicks “Cancel”. They should see the following page in their browser:

STEP 3: User clicks the ”sign up for one” link. They should see the following message box in their browser:

Please DO NOT click the New Account link in the upper right.

STEP 4: User selects “Request access”. The following page should come up in their browser:

STEP 5: User enters credentials and submits the form

STEP 6 User waits for Zepheira administrator review and approval of new account

New User is part of a Consortia/Group

Step 1: User goes to find.zepheira.com and enters Consortia Library Name - Example Below is Resource Sharing:

Step 2: User selects Resource Sharing Alliance NFP from the search results

Step 3: User enters credentials and submits the form

Step 4: User waits for Zepheira review and approval of new account

Existing User (user does have Z account thru training or uploader)

STEP 1:User goes to their library’s stats page and should see the following message box in their browser:

STEP 2: User enters credentials. If there is a problem with their credentials, the same screen will appear again

STEP 3: A user can check on accounts.zepheira.com whether they're logging in correctly. If they can login there, but not on stats, they should email support@library.link

Share Statistics

Show the number of times the Library's data resources shared on social channels via the Library.Link Network have been accessed by a user during a given month.

Catalog Click Statistics

Show the number of times a user has engaged with the Library's catalog via the various syndication channels offered by the Library.Link Network. Libraries can further differentiate between users or agents using the detail logs.

Embed Statistics

Show the usage of the Library's data resources that have been embedded in various Web pages or applications using the Library.Link Network. Active Embeds are the unique number of embeds which have been seen and/or acted upon in the current month. Impressions count the total number of times all active embeds are seen and/or acted upon (which could be more than once per active embed).

Early Access

Tweet Bot

The Tweet Bot, Link Analysis and Data Feedback features are available as early access features. These features are not yet in Beta Testing and do not have Documentation. These features may be unstable, changed in backward-incompatible ways, and are not guaranteed to be released. If you have any questions about Early Access features, please contact support@library.link.

Last updated